"...i tell you that the continents are not sized right on one vs the other, and so its overwhelming evidence that nasa doctors pictures and releases them as official satellite imagery"
What a very interesting point you make there, MrRoboto! Do you know why the relative sizes of the continents on NASA images don't seem to match the relative sizes shown on world maps? It's not because NASA has doctored the images. Quite the contrary! The NASA images are an accurate reflection of the actual sizes! It is the maps that have been doctored!
First of all, it is impossible to make a perfect projection of all the continents showing accurate relative sizes, on a map, while preserving continuous, uniform latitude and longitude lines. The reason is that you're transferring from a globe to a flat surface. If you attempt to make perfect relative sizes then you will have to break up the longitude lines and you get a map with huge gulfs of nothingness (imagine deflating a ball and trying to get a perfect continuous rectangle shape out of its skin). So for convenience, world maps stretch out the polar regions more to achieve a more uniform coordinate system and avoid breaks.
Secondly, this erroneous map projection system portrayed the northern countries - typically the location of the colonial powers - as being larger and more imposing than they actually are so for political reasons those projections became favored over a more accurate projection that would render them smaller and truer to actual reality.
In reality, Africa is larger than Russia, and Greenland isn't quite as big as it seems. NASA is showing the truth! That's precisely why their images don't match world maps. If they were really trying to cover up the truth they would have sought to make the NASA imagery match the erroneous maps!